Get Involved
Three Ways to Connect: Time, Talent, & Treasure
Time – show up, change us, and be changed.
Talent – How has God uniquely equipped you to heal the world?
Treasure – Let your bank statement reflect your values.
If God gives us a gift, God wants us to share it. That’s the nature of gifts from God. God rejoices when blessings given to one child are given the freedom to overflow and bless others.
In the Christian tradition, we often talk about giving in three different ways: time, talent, and treasure. In order for St. Luke’s to be vibrant, sustainable, and transformative, we need for people who are a part of our community to give in all three ways. You may also find that when you give in all three ways, the effect of being part of a community of Jesus-followers and God-seekers is greatly increased.

Giving of your time means showing up. Your time is a precious resource, and some of us may find it more limited than our financial resources—at least it can feel that way! It is necessary for you to give of your time for the community to be changed and enhanced by your presence. You have unique perspectives and understanding, and when you participate in the life of the church—via potlucks or educational opportunities or community service or even committee meetings—you share that perspective. We see God and God’s world through new eyes which causes us to change and grow, and you change and grow. Giving of your time allows God an opportunity to change us through you and gives God an opportunity to change you through us.
Giving of your talent means finding where your gifts and the world’s injuries meet—and getting to work there. God can use any and all talents to work good in God’s world. You are good, or good enough, at something, some specific piece of work God needs done. The talent that you share may be the way you make your living, or it may be something you love to do just for the fun of it. It may even be something incredibly boring, but you find it manageable and meaningful. God calls each of us to heal and help the world in some way that only we can offer. Giving of your talent is answering yes to God’s call.
Giving of your treasure means giving financial resources to support the community. Some Christian traditions call for the giving of 10 percent of your income to the church (called a tithe) and while we think giving away 10 percent of your income to organizations that you see doing God’s work in the world is a good goal to strive toward (it might take a life time!)—we simply ask that members of our community invest financially by contributing towards our operating expenses.
If you are able, it helps us to make sound financial decisions if you tell us what you plan to give for the calendar year; this is called a pledge. If that doesn’t work for you, donating when and what you can is very appreciated.
A young member of the St. Luke’s community recently asked what we did with the money that is put in the offering plate, and I explained that we use that money to pay staff salaries & the water and electricity bill, to buy snacks for after church, and to share with other organizations that are doing God’s work in the world. And then I said, “You know the people out there in the pews—all those people you sit with on Sunday morning—they give over $400,000 to the church EVERY YEAR.” He was shocked. What a miracle! Another person asked who cared for our beautiful gardens—I said, “A group of volunteers.” Again, total shock. Another miracle, an example of what people can do when they come together for the sake of love.
St. Luke’s is a team effort, and we hope you will find ways to be a part of the team in all three areas: Give of your time, talent, and treasure.
If you are interested in knowing more please contact the church office. Call 301-530-1800 or email our Parish Administrator.