I’m New

What time do you have services?

Sunday 8:30 am &10 am are our in person services.

What should I wear?

Some people wear suits and dresses, some people wear jeans or khakis. Wear what you are comfortable in.

Where do I park?

Park on Grosvenor Lane, Southport Drive or in the parking lot behind the church off of Southport. Enter the building through the red double doors off of Grosvenor or the office doors off the parking lot. If you come in through the office doors, go to the end of the hall and take the elevator up.

What will happen when I walk into church?

Someone will greet you warmly, hand you a bulletin, and then you may select a place to sit in the church. There are no assigned or reserved seats in church.

What about my kids?

They are welcome to be in worship. Kids are noisy sometimes and that is okay. There is a soft space in the back of the church for quiet, supervised play. We’ve found that kids often do better when they sit up front because they can see and feel more engaged. Some parents like to take their kids to the nursery for the first part of the service, and bring them up at the peace so that they can receive communion. The nursery is open from 9 am until 11:30 am, for children birth through 4 years old, and is located on the lower level of the church.

No really, my kid is being too noisy. What do I do?

You may take them to the nursery if that would help you worship and connect with God. Or you may go across the foyer to our parish hall and watch church on TV while they run around a bit or scream.

What are the office hours?

Please call or email to schedule an appointment if you would like to meet with someone at the church.

8:30 am Sunday Service

A service full of early birds! A lively, friendly, comfortable service. Sermon, Communion, and the option of Healing Prayers. No music. Average attendance: 30-40 people. Less than an hour.

10 am Sunday Service

Religious organizations are one of the only places in our culture where people of different ages and family structures come together – this service definitely reflects that blessing! Hymns, Sermon, and Communion. Average attendance: about 110 people. A little over an hour.

What happens at a service?

The general format of the service includes scripture reading, sermon, prayers, communion (the sharing of bread and wine that has been blessed)

Who can receive communion?

Anyone. The altar at St Luke’s is God’s table. The meal we share is God’s gift to us – it is for everyone.

What happens after the service?

On Sunday we go to Ludlum Parish Hall, across the foyer from the church, where we enjoy snacks, coffee, and conversation. The snacks are often homemade.

Is there anything that happens differently as a St. Luke's service?

About half way through the service, the priest will say “The Peace of Christ be always with you” and the congregation will respond “And also with you”. And then everybody walks around and shakes hands, and sometimes hugs each other. You don’t have to hug. The Peace takes a while at St Luke’s so just dive on in – walk around and shake folks’ hands.

Do I have to put money in the offering/collection plate?

No, but your contributions are appreciated and go to the ministries of St. Luke’s. You can make a donation online by scanning the QR code in the bulletin or online.

How will I know it is time to go up to the altar for communion?

Ushers will let you know when it is time for your pew to go up for communion. The first group walks to the front of the church and surrounds the raised altar area. The ministers distribute bread and wine. Everyone remains around the altar until the whole circle has received communion and the priest says “go in peace”. At that time, use the side aisle to go back to your pews, and another group will come up.

How do I get the bread and wine?

A minister will come by and place a gluten free wafer in your hand. – the minister will hold the cup of wine but you may guide the cup so that you may get a sip of wine. You may dip your wafer into the wine and then eat it, or you may eat your wafer and then drink from the cup. You are not required to drink the wine if you prefer not to.

Everyone drinks from the same cup?

Yes, the alcohol in the wine takes care of germs.

What if I don’t want to receive communion?

You may come up with the group and cross your arms over your chest to indicate you’d like to receive a blessing instead of communion. Or you may stay in your pew.

What do we mean when we say Eucharist?

Sometimes we refer to our worship services as Eucharist, for example “10 am Eucharist”.

Healing Prayers?

At the end of the Sunday 8 am, the opportunity to receive healing prayers is offered by the priest. Very low key. A minister will make the sign of the cross on your forehead with some holy oil, place hands on your head, and pray quietly and briefly. You may receive healing prayers for yourself, or on behalf on someone. Try it, you might like it.

Can you help me hear or see the service better?

Yes, there are hearing assistant devices at the usher station in the foyer; we also have large print bulletins, just ask an usher for either!

Terms you hear at St. Luke’s


    • Ludlum: The place where we do most of our eating, our ‘Parish Hall’. It is across the foyer from the church.
    • Episcopal: this is the denomination of which St Luke’s is a part. The Episcopal Church approaches faith in Jesus through reading the bible, being mindful of our tradition, and letting reason inform our understanding of what God might be doing in the world around us in this moment, at this time.
    • Cornerstone Montgomery (formerly St Luke’s House): a ministry that was started by the people of St Luke’s Church and now operates financially and administratively independent from St Luke’s Church. Cornerstone Montgomery provides comprehensive mental health services ranging from the psychiatric rehabilitation program, including supported living, life skills training and vocational rehabilitation, to the mental health clinic, 24-hour crisis care and services for youth with serious emotional disabilities. The building off our parking lot is one of their main offices.
    • Congregation: the people in the pew, active participants in the service, not spectators.
    • Diocese of Washington/EDOW: St Luke’s is part of a regional grouping of Episcopal Churches that includes the District of Columbia, Montgomery, Prince George’s, Charles, and St Mary’s County.
    • Loaves and Fishes: Every third Sunday a group from St Luke’s goes to St Stephen and the Incarnation Episcopal Church in DC to prepare and serve a meal to people in need. Volunteers leave around 10 am and return around 1 pm. The sign up sheet is on the bulletin board in Ludlum Parish Hall.
    • Rector: Episcopal language for senior pastor. The Rev. Jessica K. Hitchcock is the Rector. Call her Jessica.
    • Vestry: The governing board of the parish made up of the rector, associate rector, senior warden, junior warden and lay members elected at the annual meeting. The Vestry serves as an advisory council to the rector who is the parish’s chief liturgical and pastoral officer.
    • Wardens: Serve as the lay partner of the rector in articulating the mission and vision of the parish, managing its day-to-day operations, identifying and nurturing leaders, and empowering members of the congregation to live out the Gospel in their daily lives.