
The people of St. Luke’s invite you to be a part of our joyful, inquisitive community.

We strive to be a community that has soft, fuzzy not-really-there edges – with a wide variety of opportunities for people to connect with God and other humans in ways that fit your personality.

We long to welcome everyone no matter what – just like Jesus did and taught us to – and when we fall short, we seek forgiveness, reconciliation, and a new way forward.

We practice radical inclusion and extravagant hospitality as our core spiritual disciplines. Our gatherings are all about making space for the love and light of God to transform us.

We are striving to be better and better neighbors in our local and global communities.

We want you to know that everyone is welcome to share God’s holy meal at St. Luke’s: Whoever you are, wherever you come from, whatever you believe, whatever you don’t believe you are welcome at Christ’s Table, where we become a community united to serve the needs of the world. But we also want you to know you don’t have to take communion if you don’t want to. You are welcome to serve with others who share your passion for feeding the hungry at the soup kitchen and never step foot in the church if that is what your heart is calling you to do. You are welcome to bring your kids for the pancake supper but not for Sunday School. You are welcome to play on the playground or pray while walking the labyrinth without ever walking inside the building. You are welcome to march for justice or sit in the pew with tears falling down your face.

You. Are. Welcome. And we hope to see you soon.